Chapman Gallery
Original Art - Custom Framing - Art Restoration
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Susan Ketcham, a resident of Bucks County, has been painting for more than 30 years. She is primarily self-taught, but has studied with Master Pastelist June Maxwell of the Pastel Society of America of which Susan is a Signature Member. “Color is almost always the key that starts my creative engine.”Her work invites you to share her reverence for nature and her personal philosophy of beauty existing in the seemingly simple objects of everyday life. Susan’s paintings have been exhibited in numerous galleries and shows, have won awards, and are in private and corporate collections in this country and abroad.Her work has been published in “Best of Pastel”, Rockport Publishers. This is a compilation of works by 163 artists from all over the world who are masters in the medium of pastel. She speaks at art leagues and directs pastel workshops for galleries, art leagues, and conducts day workshops at her studio.